From the Mind of Mathiya Adams

The World Series
I am an avid Rockies fan. As well as an avid Nuggets fan and Broncos fan. I even like the Avalanche. I suppose my choices in favorite teams is biased by some geographic biases, but I resist that accusation. I...
Finding Story Ideas
I have been asked where I get my ideas for my murder mysteries. The answer is never easy, since there are multiple sources for ideas. Most of the ideas come from my own imagination, where I contemplate...
Plotting a New Story - Part 3
In the previous post, I described how I use Post-Its to work out the details of the plot, focusing on what MacFarland is doing, what others are doing, and key events that might affect the plot. The number...
Plotting A New Story - Part 2
In the previous blog, I described the six threads I try to weave into each story. I also stated that I use the Blake Snyder plot outline to structure my novel. In this section, I will describe how I plot...
Plotting a New Story - Part 1
I freely admit it. I am an advocate of formula approaches to writing a novel. The formula I use is commonly called “Save the Cat,” an approach popularized in Blake Snyder’s Beat Sheet....
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