From the Mind of Mathiya Adams

Writing a Sequel Series
As a writer, I have a lot of story ideas constantly floating around in my head. Not only do I have individual stories competing for my attention, but I have whole new series of books demanding that they...
January's Goals
2024 Goals   It’s that time of year again, when I try to set goals for the entire year. I usually forget to check my goals throughout the year, and then I’m surprised when I check them at the...
What I Want For Christmas
It’s been three months since my partner Tara Maya and I started our on-line book store, It’s been slow going, and although we’ve made money each month, we haven’t...
Running an On-line Store
As many of you may already know, in September, I helped set up and open a Shopify on-line store for MisquePress. Known as, the site is intended to be a place where I and other authors who...
Starting a New Venture
During the last two weeks of August, I began to work on a new venture. Along with my editor, we decided to open our own on-line store, using Shopify to run it. Since my editor was busing doing editor-type...
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