Getting Ready For The Holidays

It’s December, and that means it’s holiday season! I guess holiday season technically starts with Thanksgiving, at least here in the US, but for me, it’s not real until I’m playing 24 hours of Christmas and winter season music on Pandora.


But the arrival of this season doesn’t mean that I don’t have work to do. I am working on a book that will come out in the spring, so while cold breezes and threats of snow fill my days, I have to pretend that the days are getting longer, rather than shorter, and that green shoots are popping out of the ground. I am working on the fourth Crystal Cove novel, The Ghost in the Vineyard. 


This story was originally supposed to have been the third in the series, but I decided to write a Christmas novella in the Crystal Cove series. I’ve learned from my mistakes in the Hot Dog Detective series, where I had holiday novellas separated from the main flow of the series. In the Crystal Cove series, any holiday novellas will be firmly integrated into the main story line.


Speaking of the holiday novella, here it is: The Ghost in the Christmas Star.


Sally discovers that her daughter is inviting all of the family up to Crystal Cove for the holiday, so she decides to decorate the Cliff House in Christmas decor.


Little does she realize that the ornaments she has used are possessed by unhappy and somewhat mischievous ghosts. 


It will be a Christmas the entire family will remember for years to come.


You can get The Ghost in the Christmas Star at one of the distribution channels listed here:

Universal Link to The Ghost in the Christmas Star

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