I am starting (re-starting?) my attempts to publicize my books on Twitter. My publisher tells me this isn’t the best way to build readership, but it is one that I can easily implement. I am trying to send tweets out on my account for all the channels I distribute my books. This will be a major departure from prior twitter campaigns, since those were all focused on the Amazon US channel. This attempt will be to push my books through Amazon US, Canada, UK, and Australia. In addition, I will push Barnes & Nobel, iTunes, Draft2Digital, Smashwords, and Kobo (if I can figure out how to do that).
I haven’t noticed that the first three days of my new campaign have affected sales. My sales are all in the doldrums. I can’t tell if this is just a seasonal slump, which my editor says happens during the summer.
I also don’t have a very large twitter following — only about 3000 people. That’s not enough to actually push the kind of exposure I really need, but I will keep working on building up my followership. When it gets to be more than 10,000, perhaps my twitter campaigns will work.