The Jaded Jezebel, the tenth book in the Hot Dog Detective series, is finally out! Yes, it is a couple of weeks later than I expected, but sometimes things don’t always work out as intended. I’m not going to point any fingers, but I am totally blameless in this delay.
I won’t be able to make that claim for the next two books in the series, The Kitchen Khemist and The Lazy Lawyer. Those books are taking longer for me to write. I think my lack of progress has a bit to do with following politics more than I should. I should adopt the same philosophy that Rufus and MacFarland have about politics…there’s not much you can do about it, and even if you did do something about it, what difference would it make?
The difference is that Rufus and MacFarland are fictional creatures, whereas I do live in the real world. So for me the election of 2016 does make a difference, and I do my best to keep up with what’s going on. The problem is, what’s going on is more unbelievable than anything I could ever put down on a page of fiction.
I often ask myself, which candidates would the characters in my Hot Dog Detective series vote for? Fortunately, elections are secret in this country, so whomever each of them supports will have to remain secret. Though it is interesting to speculate…